Trinity River
Trinity River Fly Fishing Guides
We float the entire Trinity River out of Lewiston, Douglas City, Weaverville, Junction City, Big Bar down to the Hoopa Reservation.
Whether it's the Bucktail Float to Steel Bridge or Indian Creek to Evans Bar and on down to Pelican Point, you can be rest assured you'll be with expert fly fishing guides and of course all the gear and flies are always included and a great lunch for $575 for two anglers.
Located about an hour west of Redding is one of California's most scenic and rewarding fly fishing rivers. Home to resident Brown and Rainbow Trout, the Trinity River is perhaps best known for its phenomenal returns of half-pound and adult Steelhead.
These turbo-powered game fish begin their arrival in late September, and continue to provide outstanding fishing through the month of March. This a great opportunity to experience one of the best Steelhead fishing adventures in the west!
The Upper Middle & Lower Trinity River
Up high in the Trinity Alps wilderness the Trinity River is born. It winds its way through miles of the Trinity National Forest from glacier peaked mountains where it eventually becomes Trinity Lake. It then dumps into Lewiston Lake before becoming the head waters of the famed Trinity River. Fly fishing on Lewiston Lake can be very productive dry fly fishing but our customers usually prefer fly fishing on rivers and so do we! From the Lewiston Dam the tailwater fishery flows some 170 miles to where it meets up with the Klamath River at Weitchpec thus being a tributary of the Klamath River before heading into the Pacific Ocean.

Upper Trinity River
Near the Lewiston Dam is the town of Lewiston, located in a mountain valley its waters are flat and very accessible. The fly fishing only section is located from Lewiston Dam downstream to the Old Lewiston Bridge. This section of the Upper Trinity River is only open to catch-and-release fly fishing with barbless hooks from April 1st to September 15th. There are so many trout in this area that it is not unusual to catch 20 to 30 trout in a day using both dry flies as well a nymphs! The dam provides for an excellent habitat and tons of aquatic insects are seen daily with the warmer weather in the springtime. Caddis, stoneflies, and mayflies are always present and this makes for a classic day on the river whether you're a novice or an fanatic fly fisher. There are amazing numbers of trout in this section, and it is not unusual to hook and land an adult steelhead 5 to 8 lbs. The Trinity River has an anadromous run of steelhead annually. Chinook and Coho Salmon make their run also in the late summer and fall. We even catch the occasional big brown trout or sea-run brown trout. We love the Trinity River because the fish can be so ginormous and you really never know how big or what specie you're going to catch. Our experience and knowledge in what to use and where to be is a huge advantage for our customers' success. The steelhead run behind the salmon from early October through November. Each passing rainstorm draws more steelhead in from the ocean through February and as late as March. The fish average 20-27 inches 3 to 7 pounds. We find earlier in the season you catch more wild steelhead and as the season goes on more hatchery steelhead are landed and released.
Since 1994 We've Been Providing Quality Fly Fishing Trips With All Gear Included
Middle and Lower Trinity River
From Steel Bridge down to Del Loma, Willow Creek and Hoopa some of the most beautiful and hard fighting steelhead are caught each season easily pushing the 10lb range. Early in the season you can swing flies down in the lower stretches of the Trinity for those huge cromers, but as the season passes the fish get smarter and we are mainly fishing the middle sections, nypming small flies with a floating line and an indicator. Long drag free drifts are a must for success but we are fortunate on the Trinity River because we average about 3 to 5 steelhead per day per angler and some days it's double digits! We take pride in having guides who reside right on the banks of the Trinity River and live and breath its run of steelhead annually. We also know several fish biologist who keep us informed as to the health of the river and where the most productive fishing is. Being dialed in is your advantage when you hire Jack Trout Guide Service and the Team Trout Guides! From the top to the bottom of the Trinity River, we have the experience and expertise to provide you with the best steelhead fly fishing trip available. We fish using both McKenzie-style drift boats and rafts depending on water levels. We suggest you book early for fly fishing on the Trinity River has become one of the most popular fall and winter destinations in the west.

Price :
River Is Open Year Around.
Ask About Our Summer Time Salmon Trips July Through September.
Equipment :
- 6-8 wt. Rod - WF Floating Lines - Waders & Boots (No Spikes Please)
- Rain Gear
- Warm Clothing - good socks (2 pair),Flyfishing gloves, thermal underwear.
- Black Rubber Legs 8 & 6
- Brown Rubber Legs 10 8 & 6
- Prince Nymph 12
- Amber Prince 12 & 14
- Gorman Eggs 14
- Fox Poopah Beaded Tan 14
- Poxy Back Hairs Ear 10 & 8
- Pink Beads 10 & 8 MM Treated w/ Revlon Nail Polish
- Psycho Prince 14
- October Caddis 10
- Black Copper John 14 & 12
- Red Copper John 14 & 12
- Micro Mayfly 16

- Stone Flies 8 & 6
- Salmon Fly Rogue Foam 6
- Elk Hair Caddis 14 & 12
- Golden Stone Rogue Foam 12 & 10
- Stimulator 12 & 10
- Silver Hilton
- Assassin
- Renegade
- Brindle Bug
- Green Butted Skunk
Web Blog :
Check out these Trinity River weblog stories from
- Oct 30th, 2003 ~ Catching Steelhead on the Trinity River
- October 13th, 2004 ~ Caught a nice one right off the bat
- October 5th, 2004 ~ Mike + Matt fish the Trinity
- January 26th, 2005 ~ Chris hits a pod of Adult Steelhead
- December 18th, 2006 ~ Lori, Camloop and some BIG fish
- November 5th, 2007 ~ Steelhead Time on the Trinity & Klamath!
- October 28th, 2009~ Steelhead and lunch in style!

Jack Trout Fly Fishing Proud Member of Mount Shasta, McCloud, Dunsmuir & Visit Redding Commerce Chambers.
Join us for a fly fishing adventure like no other!
Let's get started!