Klamath River
Klamath River Steelhead Fly Fishing Guiding, Lodging & Outfitting
Klamath Fly Fishing Steelhead Guides - Mount Shasta, Yreka, Hornbrook, Happy Camp, Orleans. Weitchpec.
The Klamath River is one of the California hidden fly fishing treasures. We float and guide the Klamath for Steelhead and Trout all year around. The Klamath River is a 40-minute drive from Mt. Shasta City, California and has become a favorite of ours to share with our customers. We also nymph this river but have productive dry fly fishing for both steelhead, salmon and trout. Check out our fly fishing reports at www.mtshasta.com, $495 for 2 anglers ~~ Open All Year ~~ ALL GEAR INCLUDED * STREAMSIDE GOURMET LUNCH
Upper & Middle Klamath River
The Klamath River starts in Oregon up in the Agency and Klamath Lakes Basin. From there it flows down into California into Copco and Iron Gate Reservoirs. The river then becomes a tailwater fishery below Iron Gate Dam where large numbers of resident trout and steelhead live. In spring from late May through June, we see an incredible stone fly hatch in which large numbers of steelhead and trout are caught on the surface. midsummer though, the fishing becomes slow due to heat. We begin fishing the mouth of the Klamath the second week of August. The middle section of the Klamath River becomes productive in early October and we swing flies as well as nymph it with floating lines and indicators. Join us as we take you on an adventure down the famous Upper & Middle Klamath River. I am sure you will enjoy it! A full day float trip for two anglers in the Upper and Middle Klamath is $550, which includes a delicious lunch, and a chance to wade out of the boat. This is a river that we expect to catch steelhead on every outing.

Dry Fly Fishing On The Klamath River
May, June & July Don't Miss Our Prolific Upper Klamath River Salmon & Golden Stone Fly Hatch (We catch steelhead and trout on huge stone fly patterns on the surface both floating and wading.)
Lower Klamath River & Mouth
On the lower section of the Klamath River to the mouth we use jet boats because of the distances involved and the size of the river. It is not unusual to see a bear on the shoreline or a cruising bald eagle as we fly up the river at safe speeds. We fish on productive gravel bars, wading out of the jet boat and many times we have seen stretches of black backs of steelhead holding that are as long as 500 yards! My best day personally is 18 adults landed up to 16 lbs. You can expect to have a great outing on the Lower Klamath and all of our equipment and jet boats are always top of the line.
We fly fish the Lower Klamath with both fly and spey rods as in August steelhead and salmon start to appear with migrations getting more and more intense as October approaches. Then if the rains come after October 1st more steelhead arrived and by November it’s game on for fly fishing this river until the following March, we also take folks up to the Smith and Upper Chetco Rivers for steelhead and salmon. Shoreline brunch and smoked salmon provided on all trips. From Iron Gate Dam through the town of Happy Camp and down to the mouth some 160 miles, we provide hundreds of customers with quality angling experiences annually. Open all year 'round, the Klamath River is one of the least pressured rivers in California, yet it has been producing the best annual wild steelhead fishing in the State and seems to be getting better every year. So join us in our comfortable drift boats or jet boats up top or near the mouth for both trout and steelhead ALL YEAR ROUND!

Ask Us About Fly Fishing Steelhead & Salmon In Northern California Coastal Rivers On Up Into Oregon And Lodging too. We also offer trips on the Sandy, Clackamas, Metolius, Deschutes, Rogue, Umpqua Rivers, McKenzie, Santiam, the Fall River, Crooked, and most of the Cascade Lakes in Oregon. Trinity, Smith & Eel Rivers in Northern California. info@jacktrout.com
Join us
we take you on an adventure down the famous Klamath River. I am sure you will enjoy it! A full day float trip for two anglers is $550, which includes a delicious lunch, and a chance to wade out of the boat. The most important part of this trip is that it is a great adventure!
From Iron Gate Dam through the town of Happy Camp to the mouth: Open all year 'round, the Klamath River is one of the least pressured rivers in California, yet it has been producing the best annual Steelhead fishing in the State and seems to be getting better every year. So join us in our comfortable drift boats for both trout and steelhead ALL YEAR ROUND!

List For Fly Fishing Flies
- Black Rubber Legs 8 & 6
- Brown Rubber Legs 10 8 & 6
- Prince Nymph 14 & 12
- Gorman Eggs 14
- Fox Poopah Beaded Tan 14
- Poxy Back Hairs Ear 10 & 8
- Pink Beads 10 & 8 MM Treated w/ Revlon Nail
- Polish Cream Color
- October Caddis 10
- Black Copper John 14 & 12
- Red Copper John 14 & 12
- Stone Flies 8 & 6
- Salmon Fly Rogue Foam 6
- Elk Hair Caddis 14 & 12
- Golden Stone Rogue Foam 12 & 10
- Stimulator 12 & 10
- Silver Hilton
- Assassin
- Renegade
- Brindle Bug
- Green Butted Skunk
Give us a call to go over when it is best to use various flies and what sections of river would be best to guide you on. Info@jacktrout.com * 530-926-4540 * 530-918-8879
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Lodging Links:
- Mount Shasta Resort
1000 Siskiyou Lake Blvd, Mt Shasta, CA 96067
(530) 926-3030 www.mountshastaresort.com - Best Western Tree House
111 Morgan Way, Mt Shasta, CA 96067
(530) 926-3101 - Holiday Inn Express – Yreka
707 Montague Road – Yreka, California 960697
1-888-465-4329 www.holidayinn.com
Jack Trout Fly Fishing Proud Member of Mount Shasta, McCloud, Dunsmuir & Visit Redding Commerce Chambers.
Join us for a fly fishing adventure like no other!
Let's get started!