Costa Rica
Costa Rica Fly Fishing Guides
Day Trips Fly Fishing & Servicing San Jose, Guanacaste, Conchal Beach, Cañas, Uvita, Drakes Bay, Liberia, Caño Negro. We Service All Cruise Ships For One Day Fishing Both Rivers, Lakes & Salt Water & Tour Excursions. We offer high quality professional fly fishing guides in Costa Rica with great prices and all gear included. We float rivers around the Province of Guanacaste in safe inflatable rafts that allow us to access the best possible locations in our local jungle rivers & in vessels for our saltwater fly fishing excursions on the ocean. We also provide scenic day tours.
We catch some of the most exotic fish species on flies, it makes for great experiences and angling memories. We can do pick ups from any lodge or hotels in the Province of Guanacaste, we are based out of Cañas. Just let us know your fishing preferences, how many days you want to do, your dates and whether you prefer rivers, lakes or saltwater.
(We Do Not Provide Free Pick-Ups & Drop-Offs At Any Other Lodges Than The Hotel La Pacifica In Cañas, We Suggest You Rent A Car If Not.)

MACHACA On the Rio Tenorio Feed on Flower & Fruit Flies on the Surface.
Rio Tenorio – We catch Machacas in the Rio Tenorio floating then we get out of the raft too and wade the river. We slap & strip small poppers for top water action in shallow water, what a great way to catch these voracious eaters. It’s always a blast when they bang your fly on the surface. A great way to see incredible scenic beauty and catch a few fish with your fly fishing guide in Costa Rica. The Machaca are related to the Amazon’s Piranha, (Brycon Costaricensis.) We love to fly fish for this fish that at first sight looks like it can bite, but those teeth for aquatic insects and terrestrials as young fish.
As they turn middle age to adult their feeding habits oddly enough, turn towards fruit, flowers and leafs. We catch them both in lakes and in rivers in Costa Rica and on some day the surface action and the top water bite can be incredible sometimes, especially if we get a semi-breezy day and the fish go on a “Flower Hatch Bite.” as we humorously call it. We use hand tied patterns we tie that imitate the fruit & flowers that falls from trees. This gives a new meaning to the word “Fruit Fly”, we literally tie flies that look like the fruit that hangs above the Machaca.
Machaca can be very aggressive feeders and when they are caught they jump around like steelhead trout. It’s amazing the places you can hook these fish as they take poppers behind limbs, over logs in coves and the experience is incredible, many of our clients return with more friends and family every year. We fish one or two anglers from our safe rafts outfitted for fly fishing. Most of the fly fishing is done stripping streamers and poppers using flies we tie locally and others that represent what these fish like to feed on which is interesting in itself. After these trips we take you on around the jungle rivers of Costa Rica, you have a new respect for “exotic fly fishing hunting adventures.”
Add a new specie to your repertoire, one our favorite things to do fly fishing worldwide & see your passport get a new stamp, that’s living large - folks!
#1 Fly Fishing Worldwide Outfitter On Tripadvisor Check Us Out – (Link)

Rio Tempisque Tributaries – We catch Guapote, knowns as Rainbow Bass, (which means handsome in Spanish) on flies, on 5 to 7 weight fly rods with floating lines using poppers & streamers in various colors. (See our chart below.) These fish can grow to 2 to 10 lbs and put up an incredible fight you will never forget. They mainly feed on other fish, frogs and insects, famous for their bursts of speed and amazing brut-strength, that has been describe as hooking a car door with a motor. These are the most predominant fish along in the slower, northern Costa Rican rivers.
These fish are most aggressive right before spawning and tend to hunker down and hold tight during the nesting period. Guapotes (Rainbow Bass) are part of the cichlid family, this includes wrasse, angel fish, oscars, these fish are related closely to the peacock bass. You usually get one shot at these fish as they are pretty savvy fish, some say they have extra intelligence stuck up in that big forehead of theirs. They also sport huge teeth used for crunching grass shrimp, crayfish and other hard shell crustaceans, a daily staple in their world. These fish can be caught all year around but we find January through May is the best times of the year to target these fish because of water conditions.
- Fish species: Machacas, Brycon Costaricensis – Guapote Arcoiris (Rainbow Bass) Guapote Lagunero , Tarpon, Atlantic Snook
- Fishing season: Year Around
- Nearest airport: Liberia Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica
- Recommended fly fishing leader: 5 to 7.5 foot leader 0X, 1X & 2X
- Recommended fly fishing tippet: 1X & 2X
- Best fly fishing rod: 9 foot – 5, 6, 7 weight
- Best floating fly line: WF Floating Fly Line, Slim Line
- Best sinking fly line: Slim Line or Intermediate 5 wt. Line – floating lines
- Fly lines: Floating (Sink tip or slim line for deeper river situations & lakes.)
We Catch Snook Too On Flies, You Never Know What You’ll Land With Our Guides By Your Side In The Jungles Of Costa Rica.

- Green Crystal Bugger 8 & 6
- Brown Crystal Bugger 8 & 6
- Green Matuka 6
- All Colors Rabbit Tails 6
- Pan Fish
- Streamers in General 8 & 6
- Frog Patterns 8, 10 & 12
- Black Crystal Bugger 8 & 6
- Pearl Crystal Bugger 8 & 6
- Large Mouth Yellow
- Large Mouth Orange
- Large Mouth Red
- Large Mouth Black
- Large Mouth White
- Bird Poop Fly in B & W

San Jose Province
If you like wading small streams for trout in remote jungle areas this trips for you. We provide all the light weight fly fishing gear, lunch and knowledge for a successful outing. You must be in good shape and be ready to do a little walking and hiking, the trout are smaller but plentiful, we like to use small flies and take it easy on the trout populations by using barbless hooks, execute stellar releases and try for as much as possible lowest impact on the environment. Truly this is a modern day miracle that exists in Central America, a double haul that connects Costa Rica and the United States forever.
We fish areas that are absolutely breathtaking let us share it with you on your holiday.
$375 USD for one & $450 USD for two anglers all gear included plus lunch.
We can provide both breakfast and lunch on your trip, we only serve the freshest and healthiest meals stream-side.
Day Trips Fly Fishing & Servicing San Jose, Guanacaste, Conchal Beach, Cañas, Uvita, Drakes Bay, San Gerardo de Dota, Liberia, Caño Negro & . We Service All Cruise Ships For One Day Fishing Both Rivers, Lakes & Salt Water & Tour Excursions. We offer high quality professional fly fishing guides in Costa Rica with great prices and all gear included. We float rivers around the Province of Guanacaste in safe inflatable rafts that allow us to access the best possible locations in our local jungle rivers & in vessels for our saltwater fly fishing excursions on the ocean. We also provide scenic day tours.
We can provide both breakfast and lunch on your trip, we only serve the freshest and healthiest meals stream-side.
- Transportation from your location within San Jose call for a quote
- Streamside lunch included
- Flies included
- Tenkara equipment available for rent
- Beginners to advance fly fishers welcomed
- Catch & release - fly fishing only
- Wild McCloud Rainbows from Northern California transported years ago to Costa Rica
- Airport San Jose, Costa Rica then we are located about 2 hours away
- 2 to 3 wt. rods are perfect for our trout streams 5 to 6 x tippets, small flies are best

Equipment Checklist
- Flats boots
- Wading booties or sneakers and socks elasticized at the calf
- Hat (s) (long billed, wide brimmed, etc.)
- A good quality pair of Polaroid sunglasses , with straps. Wrap around style gives most complete eye protection.
- Scarf/ Bandanna
- Simms Protective gloves (VERY IMPORTANT)
- Lightweight shirts
- Lightweight long sleeve shirts
- Lightweight shorts
- Lightweight pants
- Sandals
- Tennis shoes
- Rain Jacket
- Bathing suits
- Fishing towel
- Dew Rag
- Face Protection
- Spray Bottle With Water
- Hand Alcohol
- Peets Coffee & Gold Swiss Filter – Non Dairy Creamer
- Hook hone
- Knot-tying tools
- Waterproof camera
- Large Leatherman / long-nosed pliers
- Swiss Army knife
- Small waterproof flashlight
- Waterproof matches
- Fanny pack
- Water purification tablets
- Water bottles
- Aqua-seal (knot coatings)
Medications/ Lotions:
- Prescription medications
- First-aid kit
- Sunscreen High factor
- Deet/ insect repellent
- Skin/hand lotion/ moisturizer

Snorkelers Divers:
- Mask, snorkel, fins
- Regulator and Buoyancy Compensator
- Check to see that your passport is valid for up to 3 months past your date of return.
- Advise post office to hold mail.
- Place valuables in safe deposit box.
- Stop delivery of newspapers, milk etc.
- Buy travelers checks in low denominations (bring approximately $20 in $1 and $5 bills to purchase drinks) NOTE: There is a service charge made by most businesses in Costa Rica for cashing checks.
- Put away all yard equipment and furniture.
- Put address labels on all baggage (inside and out).
- For the purpose of fast identification, please print name and address legibly on your baggage tags, last name first in capital letters.
- Leave extra house key and itinerary with relative or friend.
- Arrange for pets.
- Check with doctor about malaria prevention and other health concerns.
- Turned off all appliances and taps?
- Closed and locked windows and doors?
- Passport.
- Domestic air tickets.
- Name tag so you can be identified at the airport.
- Travelers checks and money.
- Luggage keys.
- Sunglasses.
- Camera, film, flash, extra batteries, silica gel packets and zip-lock bags for keeping camera, lens, film and binoculars dry and fungal free.
- Prescription medicines required while traveling.

- Favorite remedies for headache, colds, upset stomach, including Lomotil or Pepto Bismol (for lower intestinal distress), nerves, insect bites, skin irritations, motion sickness, etc.
- Special medicines and prescriptions including malaria prophylactic.
- Insect repellent.
- Binoculars and field guides.
- Lightweight rain poncho.
- Small flashlight.
- Alarm clock.
- Zip-lock baggies (quart size, and plastic trash bags for wet clothes).
- Hat with brim for sun protection.
- Ballpoint pen and pad. Sunscreen lotion and chapstick (a must in tropical sun). Mask, fins, snorkel.
Kleenex mini packs. Wash n' Dry pre-moistened towelettes. Towel for supplemental use and between-hotel swims. First aid kit. Postcard address list. Credit cards. Water bottle. Swiss army knife. Field guides and reference materials. Insurance certificates Address and telephone number of whom to contact in case of emergency.
The items on this list represent everything that you will need on your trip. Since space for baggage is often limited in the field, it is important that you do not bring extra items. Your own experience should help you choose individual items, but don't overestimate the predictability of the weather. On many of our trips you should be prepared for showers and hot sun.
CLOTHING - Casual Clothes for travel in cities and airplanes.
- Shirts: Cotton, or light synthetic blend such as those sold by Ex Officio, short-sleeved, or T-shirts; one light long-sleeved NOTE: Many travelers enjoy purchasing T-shirts throughout their trip and, therefore, pack accordingly.
- Trousers: Jeans or light hiking pants. Shorts can be worn in all places except town.
- Underwear: Cotton is comfortable, synthetic blends dry better overnight.
- Headwear: Light hat with wide brim, including back of neck, for sun protection. Tie under the chin is advisable to prevent possible loss due to wind on boats.
- Foul Weather Gear: Poncho - lightweight but sturdy (with any rain garment make sure the seams are sealed). Small folding umbrella can be useful while walking trails or in boats. Light- weight jacket or wind breaker for nights in the mountains or boat rides. A heavy cotton sweat shirt can be substituted for a windbreaker and feels great on the boat after snorkeling.
- Socks: Cotton, athletic.
- Shoes: Trails are often wet and therefore slippery, so your footwear is important. Walking shoes that grip or two pairs of tennis shoes (in case one pair gets wet and muddy). Flip-flops or shower togs. NOTE: Most landings on islands are wet landings and we recommend always wearing shoes in the field.
- Swimsuit: An extra swimsuit may be helpful.

- NOTE: Snorkeling and diving equipment are available for rent. Due to the difficulty in getting a proper fit it is recommended that you bring your own mask and snorkel.
- Mask: Be sure that it fits properly. (Those with mustaches should bring Vaseline.) The best type is the strap-behind-the-heel type worn with dive booties. Flippers should fit properly because blisters can make marine activities very painful. NOTE: Those who are new to snorkeling may wish only to use tennis shoes for standing up on rocks in the shallows.
- Booties: Slip-on rubber dive booties protect from blisters and protect ankles against coral scrapes.
- Snorkel: Many varieties are available. Be sure the mouth piece is comfortable.
- Gloves - Cheap artificial leather or cloth garden gloves. NOTE: IT IS DESTRUCTIVE TO THE REEF TO HANDLE CORAL, SPONGES, ETC. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH!
- Divers: NOTE: You must have your own dive certification card with you.
- Weights and tanks are available for rent.
- Dive light if you are taking a night dive.
- Wet suit jacket or shorty wet suit (optional for those who are cold natured, otherwise use a T-shirt).
- Buoyancy compensator and gauges are required of all divers. Divers should have depth and pressure gauges, watch and knife.
Travel light! One medium-sized suitcase or duffle bag and a carry-on bag per person should be adequate. People who make a habit of traveling "light" report relatively trouble-free journeys uncomplicated by several pieces of luggage. Those of you who are taking collecting equipment need to be even more conservative in your packing. We recommend a duffle bag approximately 14" x 30", made of strong, waterproof duck with full zipper and wrap-around nylon type handles, or army surplus duffle. Duffle bags pack more easily and will protect your gear from dust.
- One plastic water bottle (1 quart rapacity, widemouth -- check for leaks). Water will be provided in the vehicles.
- Personal first aid kit (bandaids, aspirin, personal medications, insect repellent, after-bite stick, etc.)
- Toilet Kit (soap, toothbrush, personal toilet articles).
- Disposable towelettes (Wash n' Dries) are useful for personal hygiene.
- 50+ Sun-blocking lotion, 8-15 level Paba (preferably the type that will not easily wash off).
- Flashlight with spare batteries and bulb.
- Camera: your choice but keep the weight down.
- Bring your cord to transfer pictures to PC, Iphone or tablet.
- Go Pro camera with selfie stick.
- Flash and extra batteries. You will find a lens with macro capabilities most useful.
- Binoculars (new lightweight models are generally excellent).
- Watch (waterproof).
- Reading material, writing material, playing cards.
- Repair kit: needle, thread, buttons, 1/8" nylon cord, ripstop tape, etc.
- Regular sunglasses: spare pair if you wear prescription lenses.
- Stuff bags: various sizes, heavy duty, zip-lock for film, books, and small items; trash bags for wet clothes and dirty shoes.

We recommend that you hand carry on the plane in your daypack or hand luggage, camera, important documents, medicines and other irreplaceable items. Make sure they will fit under the seat of the plane or in the overhead compartment. DON' CHECK BAGS THROUGH to an overseas destination from your hometown -- wait until your final domestic gateway city.)
A valid passport is required. Each U.S. citizen must have one. Passports may be applied for at the Post Office in towns of 35,000 to 40,000 population and above. If you live in a smaller community, call the clerk of the Circuit Court in your county seat. He can tell you where to apply for one.
NOTE: Some countries require that your passport be valid for six to twelve months from the day you enter the country. Please contact the embassy for special requirements.
There are no inoculations required by the Costa Rican Government, however, we encourage you to check with the Public Health Department or your physician. Compazine and Lomotil are often recommended. We highly recommend malaria prevention, which usually begins several weeks before departure. Please consult your physician. Also, you should bring a supply of motion sickness remedies if you are prone to sea sickness. The Centers for Disease Control, located in Atlanta, can be reached by dialing (404) 639-1610, (404) 639-3311, or (404) 639-2572.
U.S. dollars are accepted everywhere. Travelers checks are accepted in most places. A service charge is usually made by most businesses for cashing these checks. Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards are accepted in major hotels. Some hotels will accept one or two of these three cards. ASK! Smaller shops and hotels often do not accept credit cards. Be sure to save $100 Costa Rican departure tax when leaving if it’s not in your ticket price already.
The Costa Rican currency exchange rate is:
Costa Rican Colón Exchange Information With USD (Link)
NOTE: We cannot overemphasize how important it is for all participants to carry a generous supply of sun screen & bug spray.
I booked this trip for myself and my wife. She didn't think she would have the opportunity to fish but the first thing our guide, Lorenzo, did was rig a rod for her. The equipment provided was excellent, the guide was amazing. Friendly, knowledgeable and funny, We got a "twofer" on this since it combined the fishing with wild life viewing. White faced monkeys, herons, iguanas, and more. After floating the river once we stopped for lunch. Was expecting a box lunch with the usual soggy sandwich but Lorenzo took us to a restaurant on the river and had an excellent lunch of grilled chicken, rice, beans, vegetables and salad. We went back out for another float and he had another drop off to accommodate our schedule. We also caught Fish! Snook, machaca, rainbow bass and I hooked the largest snook I ever had. Unfortunately it broke the line.
Costa Rica Honeymoon Fly Fishing
The fly fishing trip Jack set up for my wife and I on our honeymoon made the trip! We just got back from Costa Rica and had an incredible experience that we could never have done without working with Jack. We booked the trip to Costa Rica and knew we wanted to fly fish but no idea where to start. Enter Jack Trout. We were staying in a fairly remote location in Punta Islita and he found a great guide to take us the second day down there on an incredible inshore trip where we landed mahi-mahi and tuna. He also set up one of the most fun fly fishing float trips I have ever been on. We spend the majority of the fourth day floating down Rio Corobici fly fishing for Machaca, and that fish fights! We were using a 7wt rod with a small piece of foam for the fly. The Machaca were hitting hard too! We landed dozens of them and my wife even landed one pushing 7lbs.
However, none of that could have been possible without Jack’s knowledge and experience working with these guides around Costa Rica. He and his wife were incredibly helpful throughout the process answering emails and phone calls any day of the week. I even had some trouble getting questions to one of the guides while down there and as soon as I reached out to Jack he was able to contact the guide and responded with answers the same day. He was an invaluable resource throughout the whole trip! I would definitely recommend reaching out to Jack before planning any fly fishing trip!
Need More Information On Fly Fishing Central & South America, Since 1994 We Have Been Outfitting & Guiding Anglers On One Day Trips In Central & South America. See Why We Are The #1 Fly Fishing Outfitter In The World On Tripadvisor.
Check Out & Send Us Email At: or 530-926-4540
Join us for a fly fishing adventure like no other!
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